Saturday, October 22, 2005

Blog Feedback

Each of you should have received an e-mail with feedback for your blog. The feedback was on a scale of 0 - 10. The range for the class was 6 - 10. Feel free to stop by during office hours if you have questions regarding the feedback. I am now planning on the following:

  • Offering one more set of feedback, non-graded, in about two weeks.
  • Offering to allow you to replace the 'mid term' blog grade with your overall blog grade, if the overall grade is higher than the grade you have received. Thus, with solid blog work for the rest of the semester you can override the grade you received if it was not a great grade.

Overall is it clear you all know how to blog. Some of you were let down due to a lack of content in the sidebar, or less than frequent posts for your blog. Some of you have done fantastic jobs all around!

For the remainder of the semester I will also be looking at your efforts to add 'e-commerce' where appropriate (amazon affiliate for example) and advertisements (google adsense).


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