Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Mid Term Preparation

The mid-term, scheduled for wednesday of next week, will comprise fifty multiple choice questions. To prepare for the mid-term you should be comfortable with the chapter materials paying particular attention to the material that was discussed in class and highlighted on the slides. You should also be familiar with content from posts on this class blog and the entries for the wiki project for the chapters we are covering up until the mid-term. You should also review all hand outs from the class and have a good understanding of the blog / bloglines project.

This weekend I will post an entry on this blog than can serve as a 'study guide'. This entry will include (but perhaps not limited to):

  • Links to the student wiki entries that will be covered for the mid-term.
  • Links to wikipedia for keyterms that will be important to understand for the mid-term. These terms will be from the text, and you will be tested on content from the text. Nevertheless having the wikipedia entry to explore can provide reinforcement for your learning.


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